您正在学习用 Python 编程吗?那么你已经成功了,但最终的胜利将是找到一份能用到你的新技能的新工作。说起来容易做起来难?我准备了一个网站列表,您可以在其中找到大量 Python 职位发布。

有很多有趣的地方可以找到 Python 职位空缺。不过,我选择了最受欢迎的那些,因为它们吸引了最多的雇主和猎头。

在寻找新工作之前,记得准备一份好的简历和作品集。您的作品集可以包括您在 GitHub 上的项目集合或您的应用程序或网站的链接。当您撰写简历时,想象一下您正在寻找一名 Python 开发人员。您希望在某人的简历上看到什么?相应地调整您的技能和经验,但要保持诚实!夸大或撒谎都无济于事。考虑查看 Web 开发人员简历样本 ,了解如何有效地展示您在该领域的技能和经验。


发布 Python 职位的网站

1. LinkedIn


这是雇员和雇主的最佳工具之一。这个社交网站通常被称为“专业人士的 Facebook”。它是您开始求职的好地方。

几乎每个 IT 行业的重要人物都拥有 LinkedIn 页面或个人资料。( Vertabelo 也在那里。关注我们,及时了解我们的新闻和产品优惠。)

LinkedIn 成立于 2003 年。自成立以来,它已拥有来自 200 多个国家的超过 5 亿用户。它已被翻译成多种语言,因此许多人可以自由使用它。

LinkedIn 能为您的求职带来什么帮助?首先,您可以使用它来创建个人资料,就像一份虚拟简历。突出您的专业经验、教育背景、技能和证书。

您还可以在 LinkedIn 上寻找朋友和同事,并建立专业联系网络。未来的雇主将能够看到您之前与谁共事;您还可以从他人那里获得有关您技能的推荐。或者您可以参与行业讨论并发展您的个人品牌。但请记住,您的帖子和评论几乎肯定会被潜在招聘人员看到。

LinkedIn 可让您设置有关您感兴趣领域的新工作机会的提醒。您还可以告知潜在雇主您正在积极寻找 Python 工作,但请务必先准备好个人资料。

2. 怪物


另一个很棒的求职网站是 Monster.com 。这是一个全球平台,您可以在其中发布简历、搜索职位空缺、比较特定职位和特定城市的收入,并在申请公司之前阅读公司评论。这将有助于您的谈判过程。

当你在 Monster 搜索引擎中输入“Python”一词并选择地点“美国”时,你将获得超过 32,000 个结果。从初级 Python 开发人员到全栈 Python 工程师,有相当多的工作可供选择。

这个平台还提供了创建有效简历和作品集的一些非常有用的技巧。您还可以在他们的博客上找到职业建议。Monster.com 绝对值得您收藏并经常访问。

3. 确实


Jooble.org Jooble.org

If you are looking for a good, worldwide job board, I recommend Jooble.org . The platform currently operates in 71 countries. What makes it different?

First of all, the simplicity of use. You will find a large search engine here, but there are no unnecessary distractions, which I admit sometimes annoy me on this type of website.

While writing this article, I entered 'Python developer' in the search box. I got over 400,000 offers. You have to admit there is plenty to choose from.

The platform works as an aggregator that collects job ads from thousands of job boards, corporate and recruiter pages, and newspapers.

The platform is available in 24 languages. This means that if you are looking to work with Python in a specific region of the world, you will find something right here. Want to be a Python developer in France or Germany? No problem!

Jooble is popular , about a million registered users use the platform daily: a good place to be if you really want to find a new job.

5. Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow

If you've ever searched the internet for programming advice, I bet you've come across Stack Overflow.com . It is a treasure trove for both beginners and senior developers, who use the site to share knowledge and experience. You will definitely need it when working with code, so add it to your browser favorites.

While Stack Overflow is not designed for job seekers, it does contain job offers and many people get new jobs in this way. It's worth checking out.

6. Upwork


What if you don’t want to be associated with only one company and you are looking for freelance Python jobs? I have something for you: Upwork! I use it myself sometimes, so I can recommend it.

Upwork currently has about 12 million registered users and over five million registered customers. More than three million jobs are posted each year, making Upwork the largest freelance platform in the world. The numbers do not lie. And starting a new project is easy; you don't have to worry about documents, contracts, or tax settlements, etc. The platform does all that for you.

You can register on Upwork as a Python freelancer and look for job offers. You can also browse the profiles of the highest-paid Python freelancers and get inspiration from them. See what they’ve been working on, what’s in their portfolio, their skills, and what you need to improve in your CV. Take an example from those who have achieved a lot and you’ll be closer to achieving success yourself.

Remember to Network!

Python Jobs

Finally, one more tip. Sometimes it's a good idea to turn off your laptop and meet people. Go to an industry conference, take part in a discussion at your local university, meet new people, and make contacts. You never know which one of them may translate into a job offer.

Are you just starting to program? You might want to consider asking more advanced developers if you could apply for an internship or apprenticeship. These types of activities almost always end with positive results, and you may get job offers from them. What's more, you will learn a lot!

Have a Successful Python Job Search

Now you know where to start looking for Python jobs. Of course, there are many options out there. Keep trying, don't give up, and keep learning new things.

If you are just starting your adventure with Python or have never even written a line of code, I recommend the Python Basics course. Do you want more than just the fundamentals? Here is 学习使用 Python track; in addition to the basics, you will also learn about 数据结构 and 内置算法 . Don't hesitate; these are really great interactive online Python courses. Start learning today!

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